Welcome to the Central Bursary Welfare Forum (CBWF)

Applications portal

The bursary form will automatically be submitted to all the participating organizations listed below so you only need to submit this form once and we will all receive it simultaneously.

Organization Contact Number Email Address Contact Person
Arabic Study Circle 031 266 8798 yacoob@iafrica.com Yacoob Ballim
Jamiatul Ulama 0312077099 bursaries@jamiat.org.za Waseem Khan
IDB Education Trust (Loan Bursary Only 082 904 0645 info@idb.org.za Zahira shaik
  • Information will be shared with all participating organizations.
  • If you do not receive any email confirmation , your application is incomplete .
  • The completed application is not a confirmation of an approved bursary.
  • The applicant nominates all CBWF affiliated organizations to act as a representative (wakeel) on its behalf.